Uncovering money choice secrets

Clarity is about understanding how our values relate to money. Consider these questions:
• What kinds of prosperity do you see in your life?
• What is important about money to you?
• How does it contribute to your “prosperity?”
• Why is that important?
• What higher spiritual truth or value does that importance lead you to?
Answers to those questions revealed my values relating to money. If prosperity is having what you truly need and want, then experiencing life with my children fit the bill. Money provides me with the ability to take care of our needs. Taking care of my family within our means gives me independence. Independence permits me to engage in self-directed options for our lives. Exercising options leads to personal growth and fulfillment.
Clarity helped me recognize that the values of family, caring, independence, options, growth, and fulfillment are my spiritual truths. By understanding my spiritual truths and accepting personal responsibility for my financial life, I was ready to begin action steps to achieve financial serenity.
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