CLARITY ... uncovering inner values that shape financial choices

Exercising honesty leads to CLARITY of thought. Understanding how money memories spur actions today is absolutely necessary to change undesirable money habits. The path to financial serenity does not begin in your accountant’s office. It begins in your head and your heart, through your thoughts and your feelings.
Money touches everything in our lives. It influences our relationships, affects our day-to-day activities, impacts our hopes and dreams, and fuels our fears. Whether or not we admit it, most of us carry seeds of money anxieties and fears. It is fear that gives money power over us – fear of too little, fear of managing it, fear of loss.
Financial serenity does not depend on the amount money you have. Authentic abundance is a state of belief. No amount of money can guarantee a feeling of prosperity or emotional security. Those feelings are an inside job. Financial serenity happens when you have power over your fears, instead of the other way around. That power comes from the center of our being, from the CLARITY of knowing who we really are.
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