Feelings fuel money habits

Everyone makes money mistakes — the trick is to not repeat them. But that is easier said than done.
Discovering the emotions behind your spending habits will help you understand how you might evolve, get past the urges and simplify your life choices. If you understand how bad habits formed, you can set about to change them. You can change any habit by changing what you think about it. Focus on what you truly need or genuinely cherish, not only in respect to material possessions, but in work, relationships and leisure. People who manage to simplify have found their emotional truths. Simplicity is an inside job.
When it comes to money, people sometimes mistakenly associate simplicity with poverty. It’s not about doing without; rather it’s about having enough. It’s about figuring out what level of material possessions is enough for you. This will vary from person to person. Being wealthy isn’t bad, but perhaps we don’t need as much materially as our American culture would have us believe.
Review your spending habits by bringing to mind each of several areas, including work, your relationships or family, your finances, your leisure, your possessions, your goals, your spiritual life. One by one, as each area comes to mind, ask yourself the following questions: What would it be like to simplify this part of my life? What could I let go of easily? What could I do to make this part of my life more quiet and simple?
Reflect on the choices that present themselves. It may be a good idea to jot them down on paper. Let the words flow without censoring or editing the content. The purpose is to generate a variety of life choices. Later go back and read what you wrote. Notice which options feel immediately comfortable and which feel difficult or frightening. The object is not to change anything immediately. At first, simply note where you desire more simplicity in your life and where it is possible. How can you make room for simplicity? Take the time to become aware of what steps you might take and then make a resolution to make changes in each area. Discovering your emotional attitudes about spending will help you envision how you want to evolve, simplify your choices about money and create a money personality that is self-confident and prudent.
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