"The longest journey starts with the first step"

The observation above is attributed to Confucious, an ancient Chinese philosopher. My path toward changing my financial habits was an unknown. I wasn't sure where to begin. Mary Anne urged me to explore my feelings about money to unroot my fears and inhibitions.
My changes didn't occur overnight, but they all started with HONESTY.
Many of our money habits are so ingrained that we unconsciously, and repeatedly, make bad financial choices. The first and most important step to change them is to become aware of or our habits and to honestly acknowledge them. It means being alert to our feelings, thoughts, needs and longings.
We women have a lot to unlearn. It may be painful and will take time, but honesty makes us take a deep look at the realities of our financial behaviors. Avoidance and self-deception are formidable barriers, but the incredible power of self-awareness is that it can nurture commitment to change, growth and personal accountability.
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