Disguised purchases ... who are we kidding?

It's an age-old practice. Women disguising purchases by paying with cash.
A recent New York Times News Service story struck a nerve. It was about financially independent women paying cash for personal indulgences to head off arguments with husbands or boyfriends. I remembered doing the same thing when I was married.
Reporter Shivani Vora cited a number of reasons for the subterfuge. Some women just didn't want to "get into it" with their partners over a luxury purchase. Some expressed a sense of freedom when pulling the wool over their partner's eyes. Others said it was easier to "forget" their guilt they if a credit card bill didn't come.
If we are financially independent, why do we do these things?
I learned about hiding money from my mom. She was always tucking something away from her household cash. She was a child of the Depression and saved for the perpetual rainy day. One of her legendary comments (learned from HER mother), was, "If it's not a necessity, you can wait till you have the cash." Of course, a luxury item to her was a dryer, but even that expenditure was accompanied by great guilt.
I don't think I ever "hid" a personal purchase from my ex-husband, but I do remember understating the actual cost. Yup ... it was the fear of confrontation that made me do it.
Today, I am my mom. I tuck away cash and try to save for the "luxuries," but I do it because I am committed to trying to manage my "real" financial resources. I don't deny myself personal purchases, I just pause before taking the monetary plunge.
Facing my fears, self denial and impulses when it comes to spending money is hard work. I don't always like it, but the "internal" payoff is feeling good about myself.
And THAT'S good!
Josette, I appreciated your post. It reminds me that we all carry old enemies. We don't realize how much life history affects us unless we take the time to really get in touch with what's going on inside. Thanks for setting such a good example.
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